Kickstarter, IndieGoGo or Patreon?

For my final proposal. I want to present my idea through a Kickstarter, IndieGoGo or Patreon.

Despite all accomplishing the ability to crowdfund my project, all 3 would require different approaches and decisions to acquire said funding.


Kickstarter only allows creative projects to be funded. You’re not able to start up a business or general funding. Kickstarter also works in an “All or Nothing” format so a minimum budget for project would be needed.

This would mean that my project would be best presented as a pilot episode. With this I can budget upon a single episode for viewers to enjoy, and with enough publicity use the pilot episode as means to create further funding through either coorperations or through further crowdfunding options.


IndieGoGo allows you to create project on anything. They also allow partial funding which means even if the project doesn’t make it’s goal the money raised can still be collected and used.

Using IndieGoGo would allow me to set up funding for the entrie series and use whatever funding made to make as many episodes as possible and push for further funding.

Proposal Form

Name / Team member names: Daniel Hardy


Title: Dead By Daylight (Pilot Episode)


Blog URL:


  • What is the intended idea / concept behind the proposed project?

To create a Kickstarter or Indegogo campaign to help fund for a conversion for Dead by Daylight the video game to a Pilot TV episode. The Kickstarter will include a title sequence and title card as a trailer, details about the project, budget for the funding earned from Kickstarter, future plans for funding and development and rewards.  The campaign will aim to go in depth into the lore of Dead by Daylight and the Pilot will be used a teaser into that world and help acquire additional funding for a full webseries.


  • Justify the idea / concept in terms of the needs for its existence (if purely for entertainment, state this and how the output will be innovative/original and creative):

This project will be purely for entertainment purposes but be intended to push more content for web series amongst . It is known that streaming services are very quickly taking over mainstream TV. Web Series in particular are always looking for new ideas and new niches to fill. And I believe this lore filled horror fantasy would fit in to fill one of those niches as the viewers would be drawn in to become immersed in this world that’s rules and reasons are slowly revealed to them over the course of the series. Although I will not be creating the show. My designs for this project need to reflect this curiosity.

– Describe the intended audience:

The audience will be 18 – 25. This age range is due to the series containing violence and horror that will put it under the 18 certificate by the “British Board of Film Classification”. The expansion to the 25 age range is because this will be a web series that will be easily accessible by digital natives who fall under this age category.

  • How will this project extend your or your team’s creative and technical skills?

The concepts that I want to explore within this project force me into learning new skills on top of what I already know. From the first semester we covered environment building within a video. To expand upon this I would like to create a title sequence entirely composed of 2d images added together to create a scene or a mix of video and images.

For the logo, I want to make an animated sting that will be similar to the games logo but more out there as a branding. This would mean taking the original design and adding my own spin to it that will make it original but keep it honest to the games design elements.

  •   Outline how the practical work will be carried out by you / the team (division of labour) and the time-scales involved for each task:


(Weeks 1 -4)

– Research into similar themes and designs for the title sequence.

– Mood boards to explore heavily into themes and colour schemes

– Storyboard for title sequence

– Sketches for concepts for title card/sting


(Weeks 5-9)

– Full branding and style complete

– Testing of visual effects for final design


(Week 9)

– First Draft complete


(Week 10 -12)

– Viewing of first draft

– Collect and analyse feedback

– Reflect on feedback and improve draft to the final.


These will be my deadlines for uploading work to my blog. However further additions may still be made across the entire time span


  • What other work (by animators, designers, film-makers, writers, digital media producers, etc.) is relevant to your project? (This work may either be relevant for its conceptual or technical similarity):

Dead By Daylight (Behaviour Interactive, 2016)

The Walking Dead Intro Sequence –



  • List any critical texts that are relevant to your conceptual intentions:


Type in Motion 2 – Matt Woolman (Inspiration for an animated title card)

Getting Started with the Semester B project


Time to get to work for Semester B.  And first off I need the brief to get together my ideas.

“You are to propose, research and develop a substantial digital media concept. The output of which is to be discussed and agreed with your tutor upon the development of an appropriate research portfolio.”

To get the train of thought rolling on my Ideas I have been recommended to use Padlet.

Padlet has allowed me to cluster ideas together like sticky notes around a monitor, albeit a little more organised

Here is my Padlet for my current ideas for the project